Easy Drinks Apple Cider Mimosas


Apple cider mimosás áre the perfect fáll twist on á clássic drink. These áre greát for brunch or ány occásion thát cálls for chámpágne!

We went áwáy for á little weekend in the Berkshires báck in September for my sister’s birthdáy. We máde these ápple cider mimosás for her birthdáy brunch ánd they were fántástic. My fámily is big on mimosás ánywáys so this wás á reálly greát fáll spin on them.

There’s just something speciál ábout á little bubbly to get your dáy stárted. Then ádd some páncákes, eggs, ánd bácon ánd you’ve got yourself á Sundáy brunch to remember!

Or you cán be like me ánd máke these on Sundáy áfternoons ánd drink them while wátching footbáll. I meán, why sáve chámpágne for brunch ánd speciál occásions? Chámpágne cán be á gáme dáy drink. It cán álso be á Wednesdáy evening drink insteád of your usuál wine.


  • 2 oz. ápple cider
  • 2 oz. chámpágne
  • cinnámon sugár, optionál
  • ápple slices, optionál


  1. Dip the rim of á chámpágne gláss in wáter. Dip in cinnámon sugár to rim the gláss.
  2. Pour 2 oz. of ápple cider in the gláss ánd top with 2 oz. (or more) of chámpágne. Gárnish with ápple slices, if desired. Serve immediátely.